getResources(resourceSlice, filter)

Returns an array of resources from resourceSlice based on the filter provided.


  1. resourceSlice (Object): The slice of your state that a resourceReducer is responsible for.

  2. filter (Array|String|Function): The filter to apply. It can be an array of resource IDs, or the name of a list. If a function is provided, then getResources will iterate over the collection of resources, returning an array of resources that the function returns truthy for. The function will be called with three arguments: (resource, resourceMeta, resourceSlice).


(Array): An Array of resources.


import { getResources } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

const state = store.getState();

// Retrieve resources by an array of IDs
const someBooks = getResources(state.books, [1, 12, 23]);

// Retrieve resources by a list name
const popularBooks = getResources(state.books, 'mostPopular');

// Retrieve the "selected" resources
const selectedBooks = getResources(state.books, (resource, meta) => meta.selected);


  • You don't always need to use this method to access resources. Just need one resource? If the resource is on the books slice, you can directly access it via store.getState().books.resources[bookId].

Old Signatures

In v2 of Redux Resource, you may use the signature: getResources(state, resourceName, filter), but this has been deprecated as of v2.2.0, and will be removed in v3.0.0.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""