
Many applications work with state that is persisted to a server. Because communicating with remote servers requires sending messages over a network, reading and writing this state does not happen instantly. The requests take time, and they may sometimes fail.

These network requests are often made as a result of a user's action within the application. It's a developer's responsibility to provide feedback to the user about these requests. When using Redux, this means writing reducers that change your store's state tree based on the status of these requests. If your application has many resources, you can run into problems when you write these reducers by hand.

For one, simply figuring out what information needs to be tracked can be difficult to figure out. Request tracking is a complicated problem.

When you do figure out something that works, it may be implemented slightly differently for different resources in your state tree. This inconsistency will propagate to your view layer. Code bases that are not consistent are more difficult to maintain.

Additionally, tracking all of this data for every request requires writing a lot of reducer code. You may omit writing some of that code to save on time. This contributes to inconsistency, and also gives you, the developer, less information to use when providing feedback to users.

Redux Resource is intended to solve these problems. It provides a system of organizing information about request state in a consistent way. It also comes with reducers that keep track of as much information as possible about every request made to remote servers, so that you don't have to.

Use Redux Resource to have more time to build great interfaces, rather than writing boilerplate Redux code.

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