Redux Resource Action Creators

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This library makes it more convenient to create valid Redux Resource actions. It helps out in two ways:

  1. Remembering the CRUD Action Types can be difficult
  2. Often times, your "start" and "end" actions share many properties, and it can be verbose to copy + paste those properties

Unlike Redux Resource XHR, these action creators do not make the requests for you. All this library does is create the actions themselves.


Install redux-resource-action-creators from npm:

npm install redux-resource-action-creators --save

Then, import createActionCreators in your application:

import createActionCreators from 'redux-resource-action-creators';


This library has a single export, createActionCreators.

createActionCreators( crudAction, actionDefaults )


  1. crudAction: (String) The CRUD operation being performed. One of "create", "read", "update", or "delete". This determines the CRUD Action types that are dispatched.

  2. actionDefaults (Object): Properties that will be included on each dispatched action. The the CRUD Action guide lists possible options, such as resourceName and resources. You must include resourceName.


(Object): An object with four methods: pending, succeeded, failed, and null. These action creators return actions for you, based on the action properties that you provide to them.


import createActionCreators from 'redux-resource-action-creators';
import store from './store';

const readActionCreators = createActionCreators('read', {
  resourceName: 'books',
  request: 'getHomePageBooks',
  list: 'homePageBooks',
  mergeListIds: false


const req = fetchData((err, res, body) => {
  if (req.aborted) {
  } else if (err) {
  } else {
      resources: body

To understand why you might use this library, compare that example versus this common Redux Resource code:

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

  type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_PENDING,
  resourceName: 'books',
  request: 'getHomePageBooks',
  list: 'homePageBooks'

const req = fetchData((err, res, body) => {
  if (req.aborted) {
      type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_NULL,
      resourceName: 'books',
      request: 'getHomePageBooks',
      list: 'homePageBooks'
  } else if (err) {
      type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_FAILED,
      resourceName: 'books',
      request: 'getHomePageBooks',
      list: 'homePageBooks'
  } else {
      type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_SUCCEEDED,
      resourceName: 'books',
      request: 'getHomePageBooks',
      list: 'homePageBooks',
      resources: body

All that this library does is provides a simple pattern to write less, more expressive code. If you'd like, you could get many of the same benefits by defining shared action properties, and then spreading them in your actions:

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

const actionDefaults = {
  resourceName: 'books',
  request: 'getHomePageBooks',
  list: 'homePageBooks'

  type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_PENDING,

const req = fetchData((err, res, body) => {
  if (req.aborted) {
      type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_NULL,
  } else if (err) {
      type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_FAILED,
  } else {
      type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_SUCCEEDED,
      resources: body

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