CRUD Actions

Redux Resource exports Action types to help you create, read, update, and delete resources.

"Start" and "end" Actions

CRUD operations are usually asynchronous. In Redux Resource, these asynchronous CRUD operations are represented as a sequence of two Redux Actions. First, there is a "start" action, which updates your store to reflect that the CRUD operation is in a "pending" state. This is later followed by an end action, which updates the status to reflect the outcome of the request.

For instance, the sequence of action types for a successful read request is the following:


This notion of a start and end action will continue to be referenced throughout these guides. In particular, remember that the start action sets the request status to 'PENDING', and that it is dispatched right before the request begins.

The redux-thunk middleware is recommended for making action creators for these CRUD operations.

Action Attributes

All actions have a single required value, resourceName, which is the name of the resource that is being affected. The simplest action, then, looks something like this:

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

  type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_PENDING,
  resourceName: 'books'

This action isn't very useful, however. Without more information about this request, Redux Resource doesn't know where to put this information in your state tree. Consequently, this action is a no-op.

To reflect a request status in the state tree, you need to supply at least one of these two values in your action: a resources array, or a request, which is a name to represent the request.


A resources array represents the resources being affected by the action. It can be an array of IDs, such as [1, 2, 3], or an array of resource objects, such as

    id: 1,
    name: 'Brian',
    phone: '444.444.4444'
    id: 2,
    name: 'Sarah',
    phone: '222.222.2222'

You can even mix the two. When it comes to a resources array, the important part is that the objects have some id. This associates the action with some resources.

You may be wondering when you might use the object form versus the shorthand form. There are two guidelines to remember, one for the start action, and one for the end action.

For the start action, provide IDs, if you have them.

For the end action, provide the full resource definitions, if you have them. If you don't, but you do have IDs, then provide those.

Let's look at an example.

If you're reading a single resource, such as a book, then you might access that book from your backend service with its ID. In this situation, you will have an ID at the time that you dispatch the start action, so we include that ID in the action's resources array:

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

  type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_PENDING,
  resourceName: 'books',
  resources: [23]

When the request succeeds, you now have more detailed information about this book to add to your store. So you would include the full book definition in the success action's resources:

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

  resourceName: 'books',
  resources: [{
    id: 23,
    releaseYear: 2015,
    author: 'Jane M. Goodfellow',
    title: 'A History of Canada'

Whenever a resources array is supplied, Redux Resource will update the meta for each resource in that array.

The "success" action types also have special behavior with the resources array. For creates, reads, and updates, your state's resources object will be updated to reflect any new data. For successful deletes, the state for that resource will be changed to be null, and the resource will be removed from the ids array of all lists.

It isn't always possible to provide an array of resources in your action. For instance, if the user is searching for books by entering a title, you couldn't know which books will be returned until after the request has completed.

To keep track of the resources for requests like these, you need to use named requests.


Supplying a request will track the status of this request under the requests property of your store.

For instance, if your interface allows users to search for a books resource, you might dispatch the following action:

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

  type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_PENDING,
  resourceName: 'books',
  request: 'booksSearch',

  // You may also includes additional attributes on a request.
  // This attribute, "query" isn't used by Redux Resource, but you
  // could customize the resource reducer (using "plugins") to make use
  // of it.
  query: 'Lord of the Flies'

Resources are primarily used to keep track of the request status. For more, refer to the guide on named requests.


For create and read CRUD operations, you can supply a list to add the resources returned from the operation with one of the lists in your slice.

Note: you'll nearly always want to use a named request when using lists. This is so that you can track the request status.

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

  type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_PENDING,
  resourceName: 'books',
  list: 'mostPopular',
  request: 'getMostPopular',
  query: 'Lord of the Flies'

To learn more about lists, refer to the lists guide.

Other CRUD Action properties

The following CRUD Action attributes are all optional.

  • mergeResources (Boolean): When an action results in resources being updated in the store, this determines if the new data is merged with the old, or if it replaces the old data. Defaults to true. This only has an effect on successful read, write, and update Actions.

  • mergeMeta (Boolean): This is like mergeResources, but for metadata. Defaults to true. This property works with actions with any of the CRUD action types.

  • mergeListIds (Boolean): When a list is supplied, this lets you control whether or not the new list of IDs replaces or gets merged into the existing list of IDs for that list. When true, it will protect against duplicate IDs being added. Defaults to true. This only applies for successful read and write Actions that have a list specified.

Action Creators

The core Redux Resource library does not include action creators, but there is a library, Redux Resource XHR, that includes action creators.

You're also free to build your own action creators. For examples, refer to the four CRUD guides:

Using the Action Types

One of this library's exports are these CRUD action types. You can use them in your application by importing them like so:

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';

For a complete list of all of the action types, refer to the Action Types API Reference.

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