
A number of examples are distributed with the library's source code.

Read Resource

To run this example:

git clone https://github.com/jmeas/redux-resource.git

cd redux-resource/examples/read-resource
npm install
npm start

open http://localhost:3000/

This example shows what the most basic usage of Redux Resource looks like. Two differences between a real-world application and this example are:

  • A real-world application would likely use the performant React Redux bindings for re-rendering.

  • A real-world application would likely use combineReducers so that it could have multiple resources in its state tree.

Lists and Named Requests

To run this example:

git clone https://github.com/jmeas/redux-resource.git

cd redux-resource/examples/lists-and-named-requests
npm install
npm start

open http://localhost:3000/

This example shows how you can use named requests to track requests that don't target a specific resource ID. It also shows you how lists can be used to display two different ordered subsets of the same type of resource.

In this example, a user's owned books are fetched, then displayed in a list on the interface. At the same time, a list of recently released books are also fetched, and displayed in another list in the interface.

A real-world application would likely use the performant React Redux bindings for re-rendering.

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